Who Are We?
Beatrice Raugei
Campaign Leader

Being a Washington resident, I travelled often to Seattle. During my visits the large population of people suffering from hunger and homelessness always stood out to me, but I never knew how to make a difference. That was until I heard about WashPIRG’s Hunger and Homelessness campaign. This campaign gave me the tools I needed to make a difference and to give others like me who didn’t know where to start, the opportunity to make a difference.
Sehrish Daud
Outreach Coordinator

I learned about WashPIRG through the fall kickoff event held at UW. The H&H campaign specifically stood out to me because of its tight-knit community. Everyone seemed to get along and was so friendly, I couldn't help but attend a few meetings. After working with the campaign for a few months, I have learned so much and contributed to direct change which has been so fulfilling.
Charlie Reyerson
Legislative Coordinator

I felt the need to join WashPIRG’s H&H campaign after realizing how difficult it is to navigate food and housing insecurity alone. In Fall 2022, I faced unexpected financial hardship that left me briefly homeless and scared to spend money on food. It took months of searching to get connected with resources that drastically improved my situation, and I felt inspired to help others find assistance they didn’t know existed. When I heard about the H&H campaign through a class announcement, I knew I had to go to the kickoff meeting! Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a bunch of amazing people and fight to end the issues that put me (and so many others) in such a difficult situation.
Ava Wisnom
Volunteer Coordinator

I joined washpirg because I believe in contributing to the communities you’re in and that large scale change starts with making connections on an individual level with the people around you. Being volunteer coordinator for H&H has allowed me to build those relationships and contribute to that community in a meaningful way.