Mitigating Home & Food Insecurity in Seattle Through Student Action

Our new legislative branch allows you to gain real world experience fighting and advocating for vital bills in front of our senators.

Explore Our Three Branches

Legislative Branch

Raise your voice & advocate for bills that help our homeless community. We take trips to Olympia to lobby senators!
Volunteering Branch

Participate in hands-on work through our volunteering opportunities. Help out a local food bank, or go door-to-door doing community service and outreach projects!
Educational Branch

Want to learn more about hunger and houselessness in Seattle? Participate in one of our upcoming workshops, or attend a presentation hosted by our very own leadership team!

Our Mission

The Hunger and Homelessness campaign is entirely student run and strives to acknowledge, empower, and improve the livelihood of individuals struggling with home or food insecurities. We plan food drives, tabling events, and even go door-to-door to spread awareness and collect donations!

Get to know us!

Be a Part of the Solution

Here are some of the organizations that we are partnered with.
You can help out however much you want, according to your own availability!

Donate nutritious food for individuals in need. Regular volunteers needed!
We are an anti-oppression food justice organization that aims to change policies that perpetuate hunger, poverty, and racism.
Our mission is to develop homes for individuals in need. We mitigate the unnecessary processes that exclude many people from the vital housing they need.
We help individuals through food donation servicees. Help out by participating in daily food bank activities!
Our mission is to bring food and hope to our neighbors. We provide access to nutritious food through our food bank.
We provide a welcoming and respectful refuge where women who are experiencing homelessness or trauma have access to a caring community.
HIP is working to increase food security for underserved populations through nutritious meals, educational programs, and advocacy.
We support each woman to heal from past trauma and connect them with the resources and opportunities to build fulfilling futures.
We meet the basic needs of children and provide essential itmes to promote safety, security & healthy development.
University Heights Center promotes life-long learning, creativity, culture, community activism, and the preservation of our historic building.
We "remove the barriers to education for under-resourced students, giving them home & inspiration for a brighter tomorrow."
We "are a grass-roots, volunteer-led group of people dedicated to loving our neighbors who are poor and homeless."
"Through our programs at Bread of Life Mission, we provide a safe environment for those in need."
"We provide emergency and humanitarian outreach services to our neighbors living outside."
"Teen Feed works with the community to offer support to meet basic needs and ally with homeless youth as they meet their future off the streets."
Get Involved!